Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am not above bribery- Blogging all about Pebbles and BamBam

Well this week I have learned that I am not above bribery when it comes to getting a photograph of my children. Noah is old enough now that he will run from the camera or make a silly face as soon as he sees me pull the camera out. I've changed my tatic...bribery. I am now offering Noah M&Ms (only one or two at a time) in exchange for his agreement to sit (as still as he possibly can) so that I can take his picture. I of course make this "bargin" only after dinner.

Well, even if he's agreed that he will "let" me take his picture there is some prep work involved in assuring that those M&Ms give good returns! I make sure that the chair I want him to sit in is all set up in front of the sliding glass door, which gives us beautiful evening light. My camera is ready, with my iso, aperture and shutter speeds dialed in (I have figure out already my exact settings for this location in our apartment)so that I am not losing valuable seconds to fiddling with my camera. I have learned twice this week to have napkins on hand before I take his picture...while M&Ms don't melt in your hands, it doesn't mean that it doesn't end up all over Noah's chin! If I were smart I wouldn't give him the chocolate until after he lets me take his picture. But oh well. Last but not least, I make sure my camera is set to continuous shoot mode.

Here are few "straight out of camera" (SOOC) shots from this week and the resulting photo after post-processing. I am loving CS5, and getting more comfortable with the software everyday! I was able to get a few shots of Nicole too, but no real bribery was involved in her photo shoot. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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